
The Massmedia

-    MM refer collectively to the internet, TV, newspaper, magazines and radio, which are used for mass communication.
The role of massmedia:
-    MM play a significant role in shaping public opinion, culture, values and believes.
-    MM are used for business and social purposes such as advertising, marketing, political commentaris, public announcement, entertainment (zábava) and sport
Newspapers and magazines:
-    The most typical massmedium is a newspaper. It is published every day or every week. Therefore (proto) we speak of them as dailies and weeklies.
-    Newspapers contain: news, information, advertising.
-    Sunday editions tend to be larger and have more sections.
Typical articles:
-    editorial, editor
-    reports – reportáže
-    interviews
-    crossword puzzles - křížovky
-    comic strips – komix
-    advertisements (= classified ads – placená inzerce)
-    weather forecast
-    economic analyses
-    We can differenciate national and local newspapers
-    Reviews of music, film, etc.
-    Obituaries – nekrology – když někdo zemře
-    Accidents and crime
-    essays
British newspapers:
-    The times
-    The independent
-    The daily telegraph
-    The guardian
-    The observer
Canada, USA
-    Only few national newspapers: The USA today, The wall street journal, The New York times
Internationals newspapers:
-    Vydávají se s cílem mít mezinárdní záběr.
-    The international Herald Tribune
We can differentiate:
a)    Serious press – broadsheet, more intellectual, they focus (zabývat se) on economics politics and worl issues (témata)
b)    Tabloids – small size, there are sensational, the cover (pokrývají) the lives of celebrities, social scandals, crime, etc.
GB: The sun (pořád noviny); USA: The NY Post, The national enquirer
-    The business success of newspapers depends on circulation (počet výtisku) = it is the number of copies (výtisk) sold
-    Two major sources of funding (financování) are an advertising and subscription (předplatné, předložka to).
-    There are also called periodicals or glossies (jsou na lesklém papíře) or serials. There are published regularly. They contain a variety of articles. There are distributed through mail, newsstands or newsagents, bookstores and other vendors (prodejce). People can subscribe (předplatit) to MAGS. That the very first magazine was the gentleman’s magazine.
-    We have a lot of kinds: gardening, sports, economics magazine...
-    Academic journals: They are distributed only for subscribers. For example: Lancet, JAMA
The internet:
-    It is a global system of communication between computers. It consist of millions networks. (bussiness, private, economic,...)
-    The internet carries a vast (přenáší velký objem) number of information resources such as email and world wide web. The internet enables accelerated (zrychlený) new forms of communication through instant messaging, internet forums and social networks. It also supports online shopping.
-    Negatives: It takes our time, cyber bullying (šikana), cyber grooming (lákání dětí), identity theft, online theft
-    What’s on television – Co dávají?
-    collogural (hovorový) – telly (VB), box (USA)
-    it is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving images and sound (vysílání a přijímání)
-    we can chose from public service stations (ČT1, ČT2) and commercial station
-    on public service station there is much less advertising, advertising on television is called commercial
-    this station broadcast (vysílá) programmes targeted at more demanding (náročný) viewers – the programmes are: documentaries, musical programmes, concerts, dramas, news, educational programmes
-    commercial stations are less serious – their programmes are often sensational and full of action
-    their typical programmes are TV shows, soap opera (telenovela), quiz shoes, comedies, actions, thriller movies, life style shows, series (serial/y)
-    if we want to see when a program is broadcast we check a TV guide , some programmes are rerun – we can watch them again
-    supplements – přílohy – huge supplement come out (vychází)once a week a small supplements come out on a daily basis – poptávka na auto

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